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Volunteer Opportunities


                                        Volunteer S-School/Church;   H-Home Volunteer;    E- Evening/Weekend

Annual Golf/Dinner/Auction - Assists or organizes school-wide fundraiser held in the spring of the school year. ( S, H, E)

Book Fair - Assists Mrs. King in the book fair with setup, sales and clean up. (S, E)

Box Top Coordinator - Collects and redeems labels from "Box Tops for Education" to rasie money for the school library. (H, E)

Carnival Chair - Sponsored by Parents' Club; Organizes and works at school carnival that occurs in February with themes and games, decorations, bake sale, and prize booth. (S, H, E)

Carnival Helper - Assists in set up, working and clean up from the school carnival that occurs in February. (S, E)

Chaperone - Escorts students on class field trips or assits room parents with a class party or event. (S)

Christmas/Spring Musical Program - Assists classroom teacher with program entertainment for grade level requested.

Classroom Helper - Assists teachers in the classroom with every day activities or special projects. (S)

Classroom Parties - Attends classroom parties to help room parents. (S)

Coaches - Instructing students in a particular sport or activity. Coach will be in charge of supervision, developmental and spiritual guidance within the sport/activity. (S, E)

Concession Stand - Sales, set up and clean up of admission tickets and concession during athletic/educational events. (E)

Concession Stand Coordinator - Orders concession stand items. (H, E)

Confirmation Reception - Sponsored by Parents' Club (E)

Education Commission - Appointed member who advises pastor and principal on educational matters.  Meeetings are held every other month on the third Thursday. (E)

Extra-Curricular Committee - Supports coaches and teams respresenting St. Joseph School. (E)

Fun Day Helper - Assists with supervision and activities for Fun Day.

Grant Writer - Researches, writes and applies for educational grants that are available for parochial grade schools and approved by the Administration. (H, E)

Graphic Artist/Designer - Creates art work and designs brochures, posters and flyers for school or parish. (H, E)

Guest Speaker or Career Day Speaker - Speaks to a class or entire school. (S)

Head Room Mother - Coordinates classroom parties and activities. (S, H, E)

Library Helper - Assists the school librarian. (S)

Mailings - Helps copy, sort and address large mailings for the school. (S, H, E)

Marketing Helper - Assist the school and/or parish in creating marketing material. (H, E)

Parents' Club Officers - Supports the school financially and spiritually by leading families to be involved with their child(ren) schooling. (S, H, E)

Santa Breakfast - Baking and serving breakfast at Breakfast with Santa on a Saturday morning in early December. (E)

Santa Breakfast Chair - Sponsored by Parents' Club - Organizing and contacting families to set up the Breakfast with Santa on Saturday morning in early December. (E) 

New Family Mentor - Sponsored by the Parents' Club, contact families new to St. Joseph School before school starts (or when family transfers to school) and throughout the school year to welcome/mentor new family and answer any questions. (S, H, E)

Parents' Club - Supports students, faculty and staff by fundraising and planning various school events. (S, E)

Painter - Willing to do painting projects around school and church. (E)

Playground Helper - Assists Mrs. King in monitoring the lunch recess periods. (S)

Trunk-r-Treat - Sponsored by Parents' Club. (E)

Uniform Sweatshirt Chair - Organizing and ordering uniform swearshirts at registration and November for St. Joseph families. (S, H)

Uniform Sweatshirt and Spirit Wear Helper - Assist in gathering orders and distributing garments. (S, H, E)

Walk-a-Thon - Assist in supervision and donations for school Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus. (S)