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Financial Assistance

We realize many families are experiencing financial difficulties and would like to remind you that you may apply for potentially reduced tuition through the St. Joseph School Angel Fund Scholarship if you are a registered parishioner of St. Joseph Church. This is a much better solution than withdrawing your child(ren) from St. Joseph School.

Reduced Tuition Request

1. Parents must complete and submit the FACTS Grant & Aid Application form online at and must apply for any other scholarships that might be available (i.e. Spalding Scholarship).

2. The Parish Monitoring Committee will review the FACTS Grant & Aid Application form toward potential tuition reductions. If more assistance is necessary the family can appeal the decision in writing to the Monitoring Committee.

3. A final appeal for financial assistance may be made to the Pastor of the parish, Father Andrejek, after all of the above conditions have been met.