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Letter from Principal

Welcome to our St. Joseph Catholic School webite! We are delighted that you are here! It is our prayer that you explore what St. Joseph has to offer. We are a delightful place where, following the mission of Christ: we learn our faith, live our faith, and prepare for the future. Our strong Catholic identity is present in our daily school lives as we gather for school masses, prayer services, and our daily learning. Our prayers for you is that you find the insights and information you are seeking here at St. Joseph Catholic School.

Our goal is to form our students to be confident, life-long, faith-filled learners that are able to navigate the rigors of our ever-changing society. Parents are the first teachers. We build upon that foundation, continuing to seek input from all stake holders.

MAP testing is used 3 times a year to give us the tools to help guide and support learning at the students’ levels, understanding that all students are special in the eyes of our Lord and each has their strengths. The testing helps us to build upon those strengths and to help in those areas where help is most needed.

Not only is academic learning valued, so is our service learning. Our hope is to equip our students with the kindness and compassion to not only excel academically, but to become productive, morally-minded leaders. Our students engage in a number of service learning throughout the school year.

St. Joseph Catholic School offers a rigorous curriculum that enables our graduates to be successful in their respective high schools and beyond.

We offer a variety of experiences for our Saints: sports, clubs, P.E., Music, technology, Band through District 108 and a family atmosphere where your child is loved and nurtured.

Have questions? Would you like to schedule a visit? We would be delighted to have you! Just give us a call! 

Many Blessings,
Kathy Radovich